
Eleanor Coyle, B.I.D

Senior Interior Designer

Being born in England has instilled Eleanor with a lifelong love and appreciation of history and rural landscapes and gardens. She holds a strong connection to natural materials and the idea of Biophilia.

After traveling the globe, and then leaving a professional career working with horses in Europe, El moved back to Vancouver to pursue a more creative career path.

 Eleanor has always been curious in the way things are built and had a need for a creative output in her life. After completing a Fine Arts Certificate in University, studying Art History, Drawing, Sculpture and Photography; Eleanor found a way to marry her love of the creative world with the details and mechanics of the built world in Interior Design. With a Bachelor’s Degree in Interior Design and 15 years practice, Eleanor consistently brings an emotive sensibility to her projects, with a focus on honesty of materials.

 Eleanor is drawn to residential design because it offers the opportunity to create projects that are bespoke, and reflect the individuality of the people that call it home. The relationship that is formed with a client when designing their home is a well loved part of the job. Eleanor treasures these friendships that form during the design and construction process, and appreciates how many of these friendships continue long after the project has completed.

 On a weekend you can find Eleanor tending her garden, cooking up a storm, lost in a good book or meandering through the neighborhoods with her whippets. In addition to her Interior Design clients, Eleanor blends her creativity and love of flowers with her own floral business Twig & Co.


Shauna Townsend